Why did I receive a letter from the CMIB?

The CMIB is a collection agency. You have received a letter because we did not receive any payment after we sent you a second payment reminder.

Invoice from Infomedics

The expiration date is 30 days after the invoice was delivered to you. If we do not receive the full payment within 30 days, we will send a reminder, in which you are requested to pay the outstanding amount within 15 days. If we do not receive a full payment within 15 days, we will send out a final reminder with collection costs.

Invoice forwarded to CMIB

If Infomedics does not receive a full payment after the last reminder, the invoice will be forwarded to the Central Medical Collection Agency (Centraal Medisch Incassobureau or CMIB). If you have received a letter from the CMIB, Infomedics can no longer help you. Please contact the CMIB as soon as possible on 036-3100899.